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Giving an original speech for a class, event, or work presentation can be nerve-wracking. However, writing an effective speech can help to bolster your confidence. With careful planning and an eye for detail, you can write a speech that will inform, persuade, motivate, or entertain! Give yourself plenty of time to craft your speech and practice it several times for best results.

Speech writing gives students a chance to impact their audience in a lasting and meaningful manner. Via this form students can learn to convey such truths which in a world with where morals are blurred and virtues are disappearing. Speechwriters combine narrative, descriptive, explanatory, and persuasive skills and arrange a composition to make both logical and emotional appeals. After all, as Plato stated, “Rhetoric (the art of persuasion) is the art of ruling the minds of men.”

Speech Writing Format

3 Parts of Speech



Conclusion (15%)

Always remember your introduction and conclusion should have an impact on the audience. Seize their attention with the introduction. Amuse them or use a famous quote to make them sit up listen. Greet the audience and remind them why they are here. Then tell your audience how you will take them through your speech. In the end, make sure that your conclusion is memorable since that is what the audience will remember. Do not introduce any new points during conclusion. Reiterate what you have spoken about and try and close the loop that you began at the introduction stage.

A perfect speech must consist of :-

  • HEADING- The heading should be catchy and in not more than 5-6 words.

  • OPENING LINE- This includes salutations, introduction and the topic. Make sure you do not mention your personal details (name, school name, etc.).

   Example- Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends! Today, I (name     given in the question) stand before you all to speak on the topic “(given in     the question)”.


   start with a quote related to the topic and then go with the salutations and       introduction.

  •  BODY- It is the main part of your writing piece.

  • Begin with a short introduction on the topic.  

  • Explain the current situation, the problems (if any) and any corrective actions, betterment in the situation etc.

  • Include advantages/ disadvantages depending upon the topic in question.

  • It is to follow a sequence. It is possible that you have too many points or very few points. When you have a lot of varied points, it is better you choose a few best ones and write a line on each. In case you have very few already, explain them in at least two lines each.

  • Strictly follow the prescribed word limit in a limited time frame so just do not go on writing and writing.

  • Always begin with your strongest point. You can accommodate the weaker ones in between and end with another strong point.

  • Feel free to give your personal opinion in one or two lines.

  • Do not deviate from the topic. There are chances to get ideas linking from one to another that may deviate from the main point. You have to refrain from doing so.

  • SOLUTION/CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH- Now, it is to be remembered that wherever you elaborate a problem, you always have to mention the steps being taken to improvise the situation and suggest a few solutions as well.

Now, it would be great if you could add a few quotes relating to motivating the people to take action.
Here also, the rule of STRONG-WEAK-STRONG applies.

  • the concluding line, thanking the audience for their cooperation and their patience.

Question 1:
You are a student volunteer of National Literacy Mission (NLM) wing of your school involved in the Adult Literacy Campaign ‘Each One: Teach One’. Write out the introductory talk you plan to give at each place you visit. (Word limit: 200 words)


Each One Teach One

Dear friends
We have all collected here to work together to realise the dream of the National . Literacy Mission. We would like to see an India where each person is literate. Our learners are not students or children like us but adults. They are people with a rich experience of life and have an active role in society. We would like to build upon that experience, wisdom and maturity. The learning strategies that we will adopt in our programme will be exploratory and interactive. We seek your commitment and involvement.
Some of our objectives are to bring about at least a basic learning of reading, writing and counting. We wish to promote better health awareness and care to be taken. We would like to create an awareness about the democratic processes, rights, duties and obligations. We especially would like to focus on the status of women, the girl child and how they can fight against exploitation and injustice and thus build their own self confidence and respect. We wish to focus on social issues and create awareness about environmental problems, population control and self-employment. As a volunteer of National Literacy Mission, I pledge myself towards achieving our goals.

Thank you very much

Question 2:
Media has a strong hold on society. Write a speech in 125-150 words on how media influences public opinion to be delivered in the school assembly.



Media’s influence on Public Opinion

Respected Chairperson and my dear friends!
Today I would like to present my views before the august body regarding the role of media. Media is the most powerful weapon of democracy. It influences our life in many ways. It makes us aware with the latest developments of the country as well as the world. It works at 24 x 7 basis. It also helps us in making public opinion. The influence of media is increasing day-by-day in the society. It is also the responsibility of media to provide authentic information to the public, ft must be the aim of the media to make people aware with the pros and cons of any issue. Then only people can form their opinion and draw an inference on that issue. It is the responsibility of media to ensure that they direct their efforts towards building a constructive and balanced society.
Thank you

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